Spivak Law Firm

Based in Pittsburgh, PA


Spivak Law Firm is BBB Accredited

Pgh Criminal Lawyer

Don’t Let A PFA Ruin Your Life

A PFA is a court order that aims to protect victims of domestic violence. A PFA can:

  • Restrict you from contacting the accuser;
  • Evict you from your home;
  • Award the accuser temporary custody of your children;
  • Require you to pay child support; and
  • Send you to jail if you are even accused of violating it.

Don’t make the mistake of blindly accepting a PFA. The consequences of a PFA are harsh and long-lasting, as a PFA can remain in effect for up to three years.

Spivak Law Firm provides aggressive representation for plaintiffs and defendants in domestic violence cases, including Protection From Abuse (PFA), Children Youth and Families (CYF), and criminal domestic violence. To schedule a free consultation, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

NFL and Domestic Abuse

An advocacy group is urging the Cincinnati Bengals to speak out against domestic violence after the team drafted a player who punched a woman in the face.

The Bengals are not the only team receiving backlash. In the 2017 NFL Draft, at least a half-dozen players who have been accused of physical or sexual assaults were welcomed to the NFL.

By ignoring these issues, the NFL encourages the cycle of violence and undermines the importance of protecting domestic-abuse victims, according to the group.

Spivak Law Firm helps victims of domestic violence get the legal protections they need at Protection From Abuse (PFA) hearings and by working with prosecutors on criminal domestic-violence cases. To schedule a consultation, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 ortoll free at (800) 545-9390.

PFA Consequences

Because courts overwhelmingly grant Protection From Abuse (PFA) orders, the system itself is frequently abused by people seeking leverage in divorce and child-custody actions.

In fact, the mere accusation of abuse can devastate a person’s life and reputation.

In Pennsylvania, a PFA can:

  • Evict you from your home;
  • Take away your firearms;
  • Appear on your permanent record;
  • Prevent you from seeing your children; and
  • Result in serious criminal charges.

Spivak Law Firm provides strong, aggressive defense at PFA hearings. We have successfully defended many people whose careers were at risk, including; police officers, corrections officers, homeland-security officers, teachers, and nurses.

Spivak Law Firm handles all areas of family law and criminal defense with a special focus on domestic violence and Protection From Abuse (PFA). Call us at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

PFA and Same-Sex Couples

In May, Louisiana lawmakers voted to remove the requirement that a victim be of the opposite sex of the alleged offender to be considered a victim of domestic violence.

Representative Patrick Connick, the author of the bill, has argued that because the U.S. Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage, same-sex couples should be receiving equal protection under the law.

In Louisiana, a person charged with committing domestic violence is held for 72 hours, in part to allow the victim to find a safe place to stay to escape further abuse. LGBT victims haven’t had that protection, which already puts them at risk.

Spivak Law Firm helps victims of domestic violence get the legal protections they need at Protection From Abuse (PFA) hearings and by working with prosecutors on criminal domestic-violence cases. To schedule a consultation, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

PFA Orders in Pennsylvania

Q: What can a Protection From Abuse (PFA) order do?

A: In Pennsylvania, a Protection From Abuse Order can provide many protections, including:

  • Making the abuser leave the home.
  • Ordering the abuser to pay child support.
  • Prohibiting the abuser from contacting the victim.
  • Forcing the abuser to relinquish any firearms.

A PFA, also known as a restraining order, is a powerful tool to curb domestic violence.

Spivak Law Firm handles all areas of family law with a special focus on domestic violence and Protection From Abuse (PFA). Call us at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

PFA May Carry Financial Penalties

A Protection from Abuse (PFA) Order is a powerful tool for restricting the rights of the accused. In addition to prohibiting contact with the victim, the Court may order the abuser to pay for reasonable losses suffered by the victim, including: medical, dental, relocation, and counseling expenses. The court may also order the defendant to pay for ongoing financial needs such as health insurance and mortgage payments.

If you have filed, or have been served with a PFA, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

5 Tips For PFA Defendants

If you have been served a Protection From Abuse (PFA) Order, you must adhere to each of the stipulations. Violating a PFA can result in serious criminal penalties.

Here are 5 tips for PFA defendants to avoid violations:

  • Do not contact the plaintiff in any way.
  • Avoid all places where you know the plaintiff goes.
  • Do not drive past the plaintiff’s residence.
  • Do not attempt to contact the plaintiff through their friends or family.
  • Retain an experienced PFA defense attorney.

Spivak Law Firm provides aggressive representation at PFA hearings in Pittsburgh and all surrounding counties, including: Allegheny County, Beaver County, Butler County, Fayette County, Indiana County, Washington County, and Westmoreland County.

To speak with an experienced PFA defense attorney, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or (800) 545-9390.

Protect Against Online Harassment


Have you ever felt that your partner’s online behavior is out of control? Do they send constant messages that leave you feeling on-edge, use location features to track where you are, or demand to have access to your phone?

Here are some tips to protect yourself against online domestic abuse:

  • Use strong, unique passwords to keep your accounts from being hacked.
  • Use two-step verification to make your accounts more secure.
  • Back up your data to secure and collect evidence of harassment.
  • Browse the web privately so your partner cannot track your Internet history.

Spivak Law Firm handles all areas of family law with a special focus on domestic violence and Protection From Abuse (PFA). Call us at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

Charged With A Crime?

SO000183If you have been criminally charged, hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

You may believe that you are able to effectively represent yourself in court, but the reality is that lawyers often obtain better deals than clients who represent themselves.

Police officers and prosecutors are aware of the fact that most lawyers have a firm grasp on the bargaining process and therefore extend offers of compromise that may not be made to a self-represented defendant who is unfamiliar with court procedure.

To speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

What’s A Preliminary Hearing?

Criminal Pic3A preliminary hearing is the first step in any criminal case involving a misdemeanor or felony. Whether you’re charged with terroristic threats or retail theft, your case begins with a preliminary hearing.

The purpose of a preliminary hearing is to determine whether there is a preponderance of evidence – a 51 percent chance – that a crime was committed and that the defendant was the person who committed that crime.

The preliminary hearing is not a trial. The defendant generally does not testify at the preliminary hearing. Only the arresting officer and the alleged victim testify at a preliminary hearing. Your criminal defense attorney then may cross-examine witnesses in an attempt to undermine their allegations and create a record for trial

To speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.