Spivak Law Firm

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Custody Lawyer Allegheny County

Telling Your Children About Your Divorce

78287715Divorce can be emotionally devastating for parents and children alike. Here are some tips from family counselors on telling your kids about your divorce:

  • Talk to the children together
  • Give your children time to react and time to be mad and sad, and to ask questions
  • Try to anticipate your children’s questions and reactions, and be prepared to respond
  • Encourage your children to talk about their feelings

The reasons behind your divorce are likely not relevant to your children and generally should not be shared, the experts say. What children need is: to feel loved; to realize the divorce is not their fault; a sense of security; routine and structure; and not to be put in the middle.

To speak with an experienced Pittsburgh family law attorney, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

Child Custody in Allegheny County (Part 5 of 7)

111787230In Allegheny County, any person involved in a child custody dispute must enroll in Generations, an alternative dispute resolution program that includes an educational seminar and mediation session. To learn about the educational seminar, please click here. To learn about the mediation session, please click here. To learn about waiving the mediation session due to issues of domestic violence, please click here. To learn about the custody conciliation, please click here.

If you and the other party are unable to come to an agreement at the custody conciliation, you may be ordered to submit income information for psychological/home evaluations.  Allegheny Forensic Associates conducts psychological evaluations.

Once an order is issued for psychological evaluations, the assigned evaluator will contact the parties and schedule the appropriate appointments. Evaluators may administer certain psychological tests and conduct interviews and observations. When the evaluation is completed, the evaluator will issue a report to the parties and the assigned Judge.

The moving party may praecipe for a judicial conciliation before the assigned Judge with the docket clerk on the third floor of the Family Court Building once they have received the report, if they wish to go forward.

In custody matters, if requested by either party or if ordered by a child custody officer, hearing officer or judge, parties may be referred for a home evaluation. The officer or judge will determine and allocate the total fee. Requests to reallocate fees will only be addressed in motions court by the assigned judge.

To speak with an experienced Allegheny County family law, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.