Student loan debt is at an all-time high, which makes landing a job after graduation even more important. Unfortunately, employers running criminal background checks can further complicate the job-hunting process, making it imperative to maintain a clean criminal record.
If a night of partying leads to criminal charges being placed against you, it is important to begin the expungement process as soon as possible.
You may be eligible for an expungement if:
- The criminal charges against you were withdrawn or dismissed;
- You have been free of arrest or conviction for five years following a summary offense conviction; or
- You completed an accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD) program on a first-time criminal charge.
Spivak Law Firm routinely helps people of all ages clean their criminal records for employment reasons. Call us for a free consultation at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.