Spivak Law Firm

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How To Get Out of Allegheny County Jail

5 Factors for Setting Bail in Allegheny County

SO000183A court uses several factors to determine the amount and type of bail it sets. Under Pennsylvania law, bail is security used to guarantee a person’s appearance in criminal court. A court may release you from jail on a Cash Bail, in which you must post the full amount of the face value of the bond, or a Percentage Cash Bail, in which you must deposit 10 percent of the face amount of the bond, or Release on Own Recognizance (R.O.R.) bond, in which you need not post any cash whatsoever.

In Allegheny County, the five main criteria used in the setting of bail are:

(1)  The nature of the offense charged;

(2)  Prior criminal history;

(3)  Length of residence or community ties in Allegheny County;

(4)  History of prior appearances in Court; and

(5)  Whether or not the defendant poses a threat to the safety of the community.

To speak with an Allegheny County criminal attorney, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.