Spivak Law Firm

Based in Pittsburgh, PA


Spivak Law Firm is BBB Accredited

Daily Archives: April 30, 2018

PFA and Divorce in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania legislature is considering a controversial bill to restrict sexual abusers from seeking alimony or even equitable distribution under the divorce code.

Alimony refers to the receipt of payments from a former spouse after the divorce has been finalized. Equitable distribution refers to the formal process for dividing marital property.

Spivak Law Firm strongly objects to the bill, which does not make clear whether a criminal conviction is required for the exceptions to apply.

The bill’s definition of “abuse” references the Protection From Abuse (PFA) statute. As a result, individuals with a PFA Order entered against them would be barred from receiving alimony or equitable distribution, leading to further abuse of the PFA system.

Spivak Law Firm provides strong, compassionate, cost-effective representation in all family law matters, including: divorce, child custody, child support, spousal support, and PFA. Call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

Protecting LGBTQ Pennsylvanians

Spivak Law Firm supports efforts to enact a federal Equality Act, providing civil-rights protections for LGBTQ communities throughout the United States.

Pennsylvania lags behind many other states in ensuring basic protections for LGBTQ residents.

For instance, there are no statewide non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ Pennsylvanians, exposing thousands of people to termination from their jobs or eviction from their homes merely for identifying as LGBTQ.

Based in Pittsburgh, Spivak Law Firm provides strong, compassionate, cost-effective representation in all family-law and criminal-defense matters. To schedule a consultation, call us at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

Child Custody and Young Toddlers

For kids as young as two- or three-years-old, lying is actually a sign of intelligence.

New research shows that toddlers who lie have the following traits compared to other toddlers:

  • Higher verbal I.Q.s, by as much as 10 points;
  • Better faculties for enabling them to control impulses and remain focused on a task;
  • Heightened ability to see the world through other people’s eyes and other indicators of cognitive development; and
  • More well-adjusted and socially adept.

Spivak Law Firm handles all areas of family law, including: divorce, child custody, child support, Children Youth and Families (CYF) and Protection From Abuse (PFA). To speak with an experienced family-law attorney, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.