Spivak Law Firm

Based in Pittsburgh, PA


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Daily Archives: July 10, 2017

Child Custody and Step-Parents


Custody Pic5Moving forward as a family after divorce or separation can be more difficult when step-parents are involved. To avoid conflict between your ex-spouse and the step-parent of your children, consider the following three tips:

  • Talk to the children together as a family, assuring them that their step-parent is not a replacement, but another person to care for them.
  • Set boundaries ahead of time, and discuss the role step-parents will play in the lives of the children.
  • Work together as a cohesive family unit; do not argue over the role of the step-parent in front of the children.

Spivak Law Firm handles all areas of family law, including: child custody, child support, divorce, spousal support, and Protection From Abuse (PFA). To speak with an experienced family law attorney, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.

PFA and Guns


PFA Pic1A Protection from Abuse Order (PFA) temporarily restricts you from possessing guns, even if the incident that gave rise to the PFA did not involve a gun.

A PFA issued after a final hearing will restrict your use of a gun for up to three years. If you are an avid hunter or a law enforcement official who depends on the use of guns for your livelihood, firearm restrictions may wreak havoc on your life.

Spivak Law Firm has assisted many law enforcement officers whose livelihoods depend on their ability to carry weapons.

Spivak Law Firm provides strong, aggressive defense at PFA hearings. For a free consultation, call Spivak Law Firm at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.